Friday, March 5, 2010

Snow Angel

A late February blizzard coinciding with a ski trip to Mt. Snow provided the perfect opportunity for Piera to play in the snow. There was over four feet of snow—well over little blue marshmallow's head—and she loved sticking her face in it, eating it and diving into snowbanks. When not out playing or stuck in the ski mountain daycare, she mostly chased Sofia around, manipulating her one and only Swedish friend into carrying her around.

Monday, March 1, 2010

About Daycare...

Two days a week, Piera goes to Lesly's house where she is almost always the youngest kid, fending for herself amid throngs of toddler boys. This photo was taken on a recent snow day.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


Our little princess was officially the youngest "bachelorette" to attend Aunt Dana's pre-wedding girls night out. Piera had fun at the nail salon and munching on crab wontons at dinner. Thank you for including her, Auntie Dana (and thank you for chasing her around the restaurant, Janine)!

Monday, February 22, 2010

The "Swingset," 12/24/08

As much as things change after a baby's first birthday, they stay the same. Piera still loves the swings.

Color, Everywhere

One thing, among many, to love about Tulum is all the bright colors. A wooden highchair with hot pink cushions was one of the greatest things Mommy came across on her visit. Wish we could find one just like it back home...

New Orleans Flashback

Awhile back, we were fortunate enough to be guests at Chris and Marion's lovely wedding in NOLA. Thank you, Chris for sending these wonderful pics.


We rang in 2010 in Tulum, Mexico. Our hotel, La Zebra, was right on the beach. Piera didn't mind sacrificing a proper shower and a comfy bed for five days of surf, sand and guacamole—and neither did we.